This policy describes how and why Flexicare (Oxford and Abingdon) uses your personal information, how we protect your privacy when doing so, and your rights and choices regarding this information. We promise to respect any of your personal information which is under our control and to keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your information about what we will do with it.
We are a small charity with relationships with volunteers, supporters and users, so we use personal information on a day to day basis in order to operate. Our use of personal information allows us to provide the best care we can for our families, past, present and future; provide our service efficiently and fundraise the best we can.
This notice is effective from 25th May 2018.
How we collect data about you
On 25th May 2018 regulations came into effect concerning Data Protection (GDPR) and these apply to Flexicare. They relate in particular to the storage and use of users data.
Our purpose in storing the data and collecting data about individuals is to facilitate the core business of Flexicare and, the data will also be used to communicate about events being held by Flexicare or others fundraising on our behalf. We collect data about you directly from those we work with in any of the described capacities. We do not collect data in any other way.
Data about individuals we hold for fundraising purposes will never be passed to third parties except in the case of Gift Aid where details will be passed to HMRC or to process donations given by credit/debit cards and CAF vouchers where it may be passed to the appropriate body to facilitate this. For families and volunteers we may be required to pass information to third parties in relation to safeguarding matters, regulation or other legislative reasons. In the vast majority of cases we will seek your prior permission to do this. Very occasionally we are not able to.
In the case of Gift Aid/ donation processing we only keep the required information for the length of time required by legislation and no credit/debit card numbers are stored.
Basis for Holding Data
The basis we hold information for fundraising is consent. We only contact those that have asked us to and if we do contact in error we will remove rectify as swiftly as possible. For our volunteers and families, the basis of our holding and processing their data is contract. We cannot provide our services without holding personal data.
Your personal data is held on the Flexicare database and email systems and is protected from loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration by reasonable precautions such as encryption, anti-virus software and passwords. However you should be aware that when transmitting information over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. We also hold paper records and these are kept secure in an appropriate manner.
Communications in connection with Flexicare may be sent by e-mail. For ease of use and compatibility, communications (other than payments where applicable) will not be sent in an encrypted form unless you require it and provide the certification to enable us to communicate with you in that way. E-mail unless encrypted is not a fully secure means of communication. Whilst we endeavour to keep our systems and communications protected against viruses and other harmful effects we cannot bear responsibility for all communications being virus-free.
Other information
If you would like us to correct or update any information, or if you would like information deleted from our records, then please email us at
This privacy notice may be updated from time to time, so please check it periodically. Links within our site to other websites are not covered by this privacy policy.